Division of Blind Services Brochure (PDF)
Provided by Independent Living Counselor is Christy Westlund added 7.29.24

If you need skills training or other local services, please contact New Vision for Independence at 352-607-7607. Visit newvisionfl.org
Breakdown of New Vision for Independence Activities and Audio File
Facebook Page: The Villages Visually Impaired Persons Support Group. Call Bill Hall for more info: 352-661-5066
View as a PDF for easy printing.
Low Vision Evaluation & Rehabilitation:
Dr. Brandon La: 630 607 7607 bla@crmd.net
Low vision Aids:
Maxiaids: 800-522-6294 (to order) 631-752-0521 (for info)
LS&S: 800 468-4789. Both will send you a catalog.
The Magnification Co.– Bob Schrepfer 866-343-3395
He will come to your home. Email: magnify@tampabay.rr.com
Apple Accessibility line: 877-204-3930
Veterans with vision loss may qualify for visual aids. VIST Coordinator Ryan Peterson 352-271-6003 or email: ryan.peterson2@va.gov
Tanii Mosley (Ocala) 352-369-3320 tanii.mosley1@va.gov
United Way-352-787-7530 can help with a variety of problems.
Transportation Services
Para Transit:
Sumter County 352-568-6683
Marion County 352-620-3071
Lake County 352-742-2612
Go Go Grandparents provides transportation through Uber & Lyft for a service fee
Call:1-855-464-6872 ext.16112
Kim’s Cab: 352-239-2133
Email: Kimscab1969@icloud.com
KJs Taxi Service: 352-753-5000
Prescription drugs—-some Rx’s for less money.
Northdrugstore.com or call: 866-940-3784
Computer Technician: Jon Townsend 352-250-1686
He has experience with Jaws (Windows only) and low-vision software.
Rustic Perfection Mobile hair salon: 352-255-5653
Adult Watch—The Villages Community Watch will call you daily.
Contact Debbie to find out how the program works: 352-753-0550
Operation Home Bound North Lade Presbyterian Church offers meals for those in need at a nominal cost. 352-753-8484
Eldercare.acl.gov or 1-800-677-1116
TLC Counseling: call Pat Hayes 352-322-0576
Dial #211: for resource information 24 hours a day
Seniors vs. Crime –For advice and assistance:
Sumter County Sheriff’s Office —352-689-4600 ext. 4606
Marion County Sheriff’s Office —352-753-7775
Fruitland Park Police Dept. Annex (Lady Lake) 352-674-1882
Wildwood Police Dept. Annex (Brownwood) 352-753-0727
Caring Neighbors
Provides volunteer services (including rides) for those in need living in these Villages:
Founder of Caring Neighbors: Anne Bosler 352-674-9022
*Amelia 352-593-9559
*Ashland 352-247-4552
*Buttonwood 352-531-5990
*DeLuna-Marsh Bend 352-340-3079
*Fenny area 352-459-8658
*Hadley 352-431-0104
*Polo Ridge 352-673-0360
*Hemingway 352-358-7090
*Summerhill 352-255-3304
*Tall Trees 352-425-5860
*Santo Domingo 321-430-8711
These are suggested resources and NOT endorsements.