Books for People Who Cannot Read Standard Print

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National Library Services postcard
Who are we?
The Florida Braille and Talking Book Library is a Bureau of the Division of Blind Services (DBS) within the Florida Department of Education. It is also part of the National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled (NLS), under the U.S. Library of Congress. Founded in 1931, the NLS network of cooperating libraries serves all 50 states and three U.S. territories.
What we offer
• Books and magazines free of charge in audio or braille formats
• Classics to bestsellers, we have a world-class collection of fiction and non-fiction titles, available in English, Spanish, and other languages.
• Subscriptions to your favorite magazines. Choose from more than 100 popular titles.
• Music materials such as scores; and musical textbooks in braille are also available.
• Download materials to listen on your own smart device, or we can loan the equipment you need, including digital players and accessories.
• Special equipment is available for persons with hearing loss.
• Receive and return your materials through the mail or download, all at no cost to you.
Who qualifies for our free services?
Talking Books are for anyone who cannot access standard print due to:
• Blindness or a visual impairment which makes them unable to comfortably read print books
• A perceptual or reading disability affecting their ability to process the written word (such as autism, organic dyslexia, memory loss, and other cognitive disorders)
• A physical disability that makes it hard to hold or manipulate a book or to focus or move the eyes as needed to read a print book (such as paralysis, arthritis, cerebral palsy or loss of limb)
• Schools, assisted living facilities, rehab providers and other institutions serving individuals eligible for library services may apply for free institutional memberships.
Services designed with you in mind
Calls to the library are answered by Reader Advisors who help active library patrons fill requests. If you’re an active patron, you will be assigned a Reader Advisor to help set up your account to get the books you want, in the format you want, and on the schedule you need. You’re never too old and never too young — we have books for every age and taste. High-tech or no tech, talking books will work for you!
How we get the job done, and done well
• You’ll get bi-monthly catalogs highlighting titles by category and listing available magazines
• You can order books and other services by phone, postal mail or email
• You can also order titles directly from the complete listing available at the NLS Website.
• Access your books online using BARD (Braille and Audio Reading Download) on the NLS website. Download your materials and listen to them on your digital player or on the free BARD app available through your smart device (iPhones, iPods, and Android)
• Our Circulation Department works quickly to fill all orders every day
• Ask your Reader Advisor to set up your account for Auto-select – the Library system will automatically select titles based on your preferences in subjects, authors, and genres
• Choose between daily, weekly, or monthly delivery options
Technology is the future
Audiobooks, assistive technology, iOS and Android apps, and new technological trends have changed the way libraries reach consumers and the way consumers access information. With that in mind, we continuously strive to mesh access to new technology with accessible materials for individuals with disabilities. The Florida Braille and Talking Book Library’s services will meet your needs, no matter your technological skill level.
How to get connected:
Go to to sign up for services. Applications may be filled out online or downloaded to print and fill out by hand. To request an application by mail, call our toll-free number at 800-226-6075. Your application will need to be certified by a qualified authority as indicated on page 2 of the application. Submit your application by fax: 386-239-6069, email:
or mail: 421 Platt Street, Daytona Beach, FL 32114.